Friday, January 22, 2010

Heidi's 10 Procedures?

Heidi Montag, one of the most physically gorgeous women on television. Recently she had her 10 procedures if you haven't heard. Why? She is gorgeous, she is tan, she is beautiful! All she really needs is to change how she is with people and she'll be fine. I think in one of her interviews she said that her goal was to be a pop star and she said that she had to get these procedures to look like a pop star. So hold up there! She finally admits that pop stars have to look hot to get their fame? How is that going to impact aspiring singers of different shapes, and sizes? Personally, anyone who sings well, I listen to....

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Do you remember those guys?
Yeah...those guys.... The guys that were like virtually unstoppable? Yeah...the JONAS BROTHERS. NO OFFENSE to them or anything, but that guy um...what's his name? Oh yeah...JOE IS SO RUDE! Like a guy that old can dump in person! Jeez...loser! TEEHEE, sorry Joe, but a move like dumping that country sweetheart was low. Yup...I went there. I know this was a year ago, but I can't help but think that so many guys like him don't even have the time to go and dump in person. Not that if he dumped in person would be any better, but it seemed like dumping Taylor Swift on the phone meant that she wasn't worth his time! Yeah...I know...I'm cussing his name in my head.
Jonas Brothers, move over because a new JB is in town. Whoa...that sounded corny.... Anyway, the band is history and Justin Bieber is at least a bit more fresh....
ANYWAY...this concludes another random rant.
-Lizzie *MWA*


Did you see like this morning,they were talking about Tiger in a small town in Mississippi! Yeah, you bet it! He's in SEX REHAB! Welcome to the gang, Tiger! You have officially part of the gang of REHABBED UP CELEBS! I don't want to offend Tiger, the GPA sponsors or Tiger's sponsors, but that's just kind of gross. I mean cheating on your wife and sleeping with other women is just disgusting! I mean...he's already got a kid.
Anyways, instead of me being so mad about this...why don't you guys tell me what you think about it?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Lots of people are stressed out in this economy and about personal issues. I'm hear to talk about how you can relieve your stress. Let's start!

That is a stress ball! It is exactly what you think it is supposed to be! You squeeze it as hard as you want and you feel a bit better!

Talk to someone! It can make you feel a whole lot better once it's out of your system!

Write it all down! You can feel more safe if it's in your journal or diary and people won't know!
That's how you can deal with stress!

Thanks for READING!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Braces Survival Guide

Lots of kids will get braces. They hear the news first, and then they start freaking out. “WILL THE BRACES HURT?” is the only question that comes to mind. The second is, “WILL I LOOK LIKE A NERD?” I know this because I have braces.

Lots of my friends who need to get braces and know it always ask me if they hurt. My answer is, only in the beginning. You have to get them tightened every month. So tip number one is that sometimes braces use thermal wires. These wires tighten when it’s mouth temperature. If you feel it tighten to hard, get some smaller ice cubes and put it in-between your braces and the inside of your lip. Once you feel them loosen up take them out.

In the first weeks or more, you probably still haven’t gotten used to the braces and you might still feel that the braces are really pushing your teeth. Just take your mind off things by maybe watching TV or doing something that distracts you. Also, don’t eat hard food; it will hurt your teeth more.

Braces don’t have to be boring at all! Mix things up by putting different colored plastic bands on the braces! For Christmas or the holiday season, try red and green or just red or just green. I don’t really recommend light colors though. If you have slightly yellower teeth, the light colors will make your teeth look yellow.

The most annoying thing to have braces is ignoring hard or chewy food. It really sucks. What I found out is, if your glue that the brackets have on is really strong you can actually chew a bit of gum. NEVER chew bubblegum though. Remember to always ask the orthodontist first how strong the glue is. One food you should try to avoid having in full slices is apples. Always cut the pieces down before eating it. Most of the times, apples will get stuck everywhere in your braces. It will get stuck on the braces, the wiring, between teeth and maybe sometimes on the bracket right under your rubber bands. Oh, and always keep your braces clean.

Braces may seem a ton of pain, but once you get used to it, it’s no hassle.